Audipress and Audiweb merger project approved and restarted
The Boards of Directors of Audipress and Audiweb, led by their respective presidents Ernesto Mauri and Marco Muraglia, have unanimously approved the restart of the merger project between the two JICs (Joint Industry Committee), with the aim of structuring a shared Press+Digital survey system capable of offering the market a cross-media representation of consumption in the two media, consistent with AGCOM recommendations.
The merger project envisages the early establishment of a single Press+Digital Joint Industry Committee that will be responsible for leading and coordinating the progressive convergence of the,current detection systems toward a single methodology.
The constitution of the new JIC will be followed, at the beginning of 2023, by the distribution of an R.F.P. (Request For Proposal) document, addressed to the main research institutes operating in the Italian audience measurement market, in which the guidelines and prerequisites for the preparation and selection of the methodological proposal to be developed will be indicated.