UPA: Marco Travaglia appointed President
Milan, July 10, 2024. In today's meeting, the Board of Directors of the Association of Advertising Investors - UPA, renewed during the Assembly on July 3rd, unanimously elected Marco Travaglia as President of the Association for the next three-year term 2024-2026.
Marco Travaglia, a member of UPA's Board of Directors for over 10 years, has been President and CEO of the Nestlé Group in Italy and Malta since 2019, following an international career that has taken him to Switzerland, the USA, France, the United Kingdom, and Croatia over the years. He has always actively contributed to the association: he is, in fact, President of Audicom and Vice President of Centromarca and IBC. He sits on the Board of Directors of GS1, the General Council of Unionfood, and is a member of the Advisory Board of Foreign Investors (Confindustria), where he coordinates the activities of the Foreign Enterprises Observatory.